Congratulations! You have completed the first 2 weeks and it is now time to increase the training load. Weeks 3 and 4 require you to move to 4 days/week. You can select any 4 days but it is better to spread it out as much as possible. If you are unable to complete all four sessions please remember that completing any number is better than none. On the other 3 days you are encouraged to walk continuously for 20 – 30 minutes at an uncomfortable pace. You will need a stop watch for some of the sessions. You could even download a free timing device from the app store (for example, Interval Timer)
Warm up
Walk 2 mins
Perform the following dynamic stretches
Calf pumps, lower back rolls, hip flexors, hamstrings, arm swings
Set 2 markers 20 m apart. Perform each exercise as stated and then run/walk 20 m and back twice before performing the next exercise. The aim will be to complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes so be sure to start your watch at the beginning.
Click On Exercise For Tutorial
Warm Down / Stretch
Hold each stretch for 20 – 30 secs. Do each side once.
Warm up
Click On Stretch For Tutorial
Walk 2 mins
Perform the following dynamic stretches
Calf pumps, lower back rolls, hip flexors, hamstrings, arm swings
Warm Down / Stretch
Hold each stretch for 20 – 30 secs. Do each side once.
Warm up
Click On Stretch For Tutorial
Walk 2 mins
Perform the following dynamic stretches
Calf pumps, lower back rolls, hip flexors, hamstrings, arm swings
Perform each exercise in turn for the number of reps stated.
Complete 3 rounds
Click On Exercise For Tutorial
Warm Down / Stretch
Hold each stretch for 20 – 30 secs. Do each side once.
Click On Stretch For Tutorial
Warm up
Walk 2 mins
Perform the following dynamic stretches
Calf pumps, lower back rolls, hip flexors, hamstrings, arm swings
Warm Down / Stretch
Hold each stretch for 20 – 30 secs. Do each side once.
Click On Stretch For Tutorial
Lower Back | Rear Shoulder | Glutes |
Quadriceps | Hamstrings |